
Belarus Agricultural Library

Front Page

The library grants access to databases on agriculture and related topics.

AGROS, Database (DB) VINITI RAS on-line (Automatics and electronic engineering, Astronomy, Biology, Computational sciences, Genetics, Geography, Geology, Geophysics, Mining engineering, Publishing and polygraphic industry, Informatics, Corrosion and corrosion protection, Medicinal plants, Mathematics, Machinery, Medicine, Metallurgic engineering, Mechanics, Safeguard during emergency situations, Environment protection, Welding, Transport, Physics, Physical and chemical biology and biotechnology, Chemistry, Industrial economics, Energy safety, Electric engineering, Energetics), Business-Belarus, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian series, Image Catalogue of BelAL, Electronic catalogue of periodicals and books, ConsultantPlus, Scientific Electronic Library eLIBRARY.RU, Personal Pages of Agrarian Scientists , Mass Media Review , Russian Union Catalogue, Digital Library: Dissertations of RSL, Electronic Catalogue of Belarus Agricultural Library

Academic Search Complete, Acta Horticulturae, AGORA, AGRICOLA, AGRIS, BioOne, CAB Abstracts, Core Historical Literature of Agriculture, DOAJ, EBSCO, EBSCO A-to-Z, EURO PAGES, FAOSTAT, FS INFO Database, FSTA, KOMPASS, Science Direct, Scopus, SPRINGER, Ulrichsweb, Unasylva, WLAS

Search in electronic resources can be realized via a single entry point EBSCO Discovery Service

EBSCO Discovery Service

The library fulfils the requests for delivery of information and full texts from the databases.

If you have any questions, please ask our librarians:

BelAL - Electronic Catalogue of Belarus Agricultural Library on-line

  • Includes annotated bibliographin records of books, booklets, journals, databases, electronic documents, Internet resouces and other documents of Library collection, as well as articles from collections, periodical and serial publications on agriculture, published in Belarus
  • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition
  • Supported by Belarus Agricultural Library since 1993
  • Contains 285 thousand records
  • In Russian

IMAGE - Image Catalogue of BelAL

  • Includes electronic copies of scanned cards of Library’s card alphabetic catalogue of books, booklets, journals, collections, proceedings, theses, etc up to 1992
  • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinary science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition
  • Created by Belarus Agricultural Library in 2008
  • Contains 173 thousand records
  • In Russian

EBSCO A-to-Z – Electronic catalogue of periodicals and books on EBSCOHost platform

  • Includes list of on-line periodicals, continuous issues and books from databases, available in BelAL
  • Subjects: economy, biology, ecology, veterinary, agriculture, nutrition, sociology, education, medicine, technique, librarianship
  • Supported by EBSCO Publishing, subscribed by Belarus Agricultural Library since 2010
  • In Russian

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Agrarian series – electronic version journal

  • Includes full texts of the journal since 1990 and table of contents of the issues from 1963 to 1989
  • Subjects: economics, arable farming, plant cultivation, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, mechanization, power engineering, processing of agricultural production, storage of agricultural production, Belarusian scientists
  • Supported by Belarus Agricultural Library
  • In Russian, English

Personal Pages of Agrarian Scientists – database of agrarian scientists of Belarus

  • Includes biographies and bibliographic data of all published works of scientists
  • Subjects: agriculture, science, scientists, Belarus
  • Supported by Belarus Agricultural Library
  • In Russian, English

AGROS - Database of Central Agricultural Library of Russia

  • Includes annotated bibliographic records of books and articles from collections, periodical and serial publications on problems of agriculture and allied branches from Russian and the world information flow
  • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition
  • Supported by Central Scientific Agricultural Library of The Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences since 1985
  • Contains 1,6 mln records
  • In Russian

AGRIS - International Information System for Agricultural Sciences and Technology

  • Includes bibliographic records with abstracts on agriculture and allied branches from the FAO participating countries
  • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition
  • Supported by the national centres of FAO participating countries and coordinating centre AGRIS, Rome since 1975
  • Contains 7,6 mln records
  • In English

AGRICOLA - Agricultural On-Line Access

  • Includes bibliographic records with abstracts covering the world flow of publications on agriculture and allied branches
  • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition
  • Supported by the USDA National Agricultural Library sice 1970
  • Contains 4,8 mln records
  • In English

CAB Abstracts - The World's Leading Agriculture Database

  • Includes bibliographic records with abstracts from 11 thousand world best agricultural journals
  • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition
  • Supported by the Agricultural Bureau of the British Commonwealth CAB International since 1972
  • Contains 7,7 mln records
  • In English

FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts

  • Includes bibliographic records with abstracts covering the questions of food-stuffs
  • Subjects: nutrition, alimentary products, consumption, technology, processing, storage, packing, biochemistry, microbiology, toxicology, hygiene
  • Supported by the International Food-stuffs Information Service since 1969
  • Contains 1 mln records
  • In English

Russian Union Catalogue for Scientific and Technical Literature

  • Includes bibliographic records on books and journals on natural sciences, technics, agriculture and medicine of more than 1200 participating libraries with addresses of stock holders
  • Subjects: ecology, natural resources, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition, medicine
  • Supported by the Russian Public Library for Science and Technology since 1996
  • Contains 1,1 mln records
  • In Russian

Database (DB) VINITI RAS on-line - Bibliographic database

  • Includes bibliographic records with abstracts on natural sciences, exact sciences, and technical sciences VINITI RAS
  • Subjects: ecology, biology, genetics, economics, agriculture, mechanical engineering, chemistry, physics, energy
  • Supported by the All-Russian Institute for Scientific and Technical Information Russian Academy of Sciences since 1981
  • In Russian
  • Replenishment of the monthly

Tematic fragments of database VINITI:

Automatics and electronic engineering

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: automatics, electronic engineering, cybernetics, metrology


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1989
  • Subjects: astronomy, geodesics, space, aerial survey


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981. Information about printed issues before 1981 look BeLAL
  • Subjects: ecology, cytology, parasitology, microbiology, botany, physiology, phytopathology, biochemistry, zoology, forestry, soil science, agrochemistry, entomology, virology, pharmacology

Computational sciences

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1997
  • Subjects: cryptography, programming, automation, computer technologies


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: genetics, selection, agricultural plants and animals, human genetics


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1991
  • Subjects: geography


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1985
  • Subjects: geology, geochemistry, mineral deposits


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1986
  • Subjects: geophysics, meteorology, oceanology

Mining engineering

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: mineral deposits

Publishing and polygraphic industry

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1985
  • Subjects: Publishing and polygraphic industry


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1982
  • Subjects: informatics

Corrosion and corrosion protection

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: corrosion

Medicinal plants

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1991
  • Subjects: medicinal plants and herbs


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1997
  • Subjects: mathematics


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: machinery, agricultural equipment, food industry


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1998
  • Subjects: medicine

Metallurgic engineering

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: metallurgic engineering, adaptive metallurgy


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1985
  • Subjects: mechanics

Safeguard during emergency situations

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1987
  • Subjects: safety control, emergency, fire protection

Environment protection

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981. Information about printed issues before 1981 look BeLAL
  • Subjects: environment protection, ecology


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981.
  • Subjects: welding


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1984
  • Subjects: transport, logistics, roads, exploitation


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1983
  • Subjects: physics

Physical and chemical biology and biotechnology

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: molecular biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, bionanotechnology


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: chemistry, medicines, pesticides, food stuffs

Industrial economics

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1985
  • Subjects: economics, agroindustrial complex, food industry

Energy safety

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 2002
  • Subjects: energy, power, safety

Electric engineering

  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: electric engineering, safety


  • Includes bibliographic records and summaries on documents since 1981
  • Subjects: energetics, alternative energy sources

WLAS - World List of Agricultural Serials

  • Includes list of descriptions of periodical and serial editions on agriculture and allied branches
  • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition
  • Created by the USDA National Agricultural Library, Agricultural Bureau of the British Commonwealth, FAO and other international agricultural organizations in 1994
  • Contains 64 thousand records
  • In English

Ulrichweb - Global Serials Directory

  • Includes list of descriptions of the world periodical and serial editions on the whole scientific branches including agriculture
  • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, biology, genetics, economics, agriculture, forestry, nutrition, medicine
  • Supported by Bowker
  • Contains 300 thousand records
  • In English

FAOSTAT - FAO Statistics

  • Includes statistical data of 245 countries of the world
  • Subjects: agricultural economics, land use, forestry, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, fishery, agricultural products processing, alimentary products, demography
  • Created by the national centres of FAO participating countries
  • In English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese
  • Unasylva - data base of forestry

    • Includes full texts of Unasylva for entire period since 1947 and table of contents
    • Subjects: forestry industry, forestry, forest resources, forest pests, forest protection measures, forest fires, forestry economics, forest management, forestation, plant and animal protection, forest administration
    • Supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
    • In English, French, Spanish

    AGORA – Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture

    • Includes bibliographic records and full texts from the world information flow on agriculture and allied branches
    • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, genetics, agricultural economics, veterinary science, forestry, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, food, nutrition
    • Supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
    • In English, Spanish, French

    EBSCO - Databases of EBSCO Publishing company

    • Includes bibliographic records and full texts from the world information flow on agriculture and allied branches in databases: CAB Abstracts, Agricola, FSTA, Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier, and on social, human, natural, technical, medical sciences in databases: MEDLINE, Business Sourse Premier, Regional Business News, Health Sourse - Consumer Edition, Health Sourse: Nursing/Academic Edition, Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts, Newspaper Source, GreenFILE, MasterFILE Premier, ERIC, Academic Search Premier, AHFS Consumer Medication Information, E-Journal, Newswires
    • Subjects: economics, biology, ecology, veterinary science, agriculture, nutrition, sociology, education, medicine, technics, library services
    • Provided by EBSCO Publishing
    • In English

    Academic Search Complete - EBSCO Publishing Database

    • Includes bibliographic records and full texts on agriculture and allied branches
    • Subjects: ecology, biology, environment, genetics, economy, agriculture, forestry, food and nutrition, medicine, chemistry, technique
    • Supported by EBSCO Publishing
    • In English

    Science Direct – Science Direct Publishing Database

    • Includes bibliographic records and full texts from the world information flow on agriculture and allied branches
    • Subjects: ecology, biology, genetics, economics, veterinay science, agriculture, forestry, nutrition, medicine, chemistry, physics, technics
    • Provided by Elsevier
    • Contains 12 mln records
    • In English

    Scopus – the Elsevier's scientometric database

    • The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature contains scientometric information on citation of peer-reviewed literature, features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research
    • Subjects: ecology, biology, genetics, economics, veterinary science, agriculture, forestry, nutrition, medicine, chemistry, physics, technics
    • Provided by Elsevier
    • Contains 55 mln records
    • In English

    SPRINGER – Database of Springer Publishing

    • Includes bibliographic records and full texts from the world information flow on agriculture and allied branches
    • Subjects: biology, genetics, nature protection, biotechnology, economics, technics, forestry, agriculture, chemistry, physics, material authority, medicine
    • Supported by SpringerLink
    • Contains 8,3 mln records
    • In English, German

    DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals

    • Includes full texts of scientific journals on agriculture and allied branches from the world information flow
    • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinary science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition, medicine, technics
    • Supported by Lund University Libraries, Head Office
    • Contains 1,8 mln records
    • In English

    Acta Horticulturae – Database of International Society of Horticultural Science

    • Includes full texts of Acta Horticulturae for entire period since 1963 and table of contents
    • Subjects: botany, biology, genetics, plant science, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, flowers growing, agricultural engineering, biotechnology, plant protection, forestry
    • Supported by International Society of Horticultural Science
    • In English, Arabic, Spanish, French

    BioOne – Online access to the full text Scientific Journals of BioOne Company

    • Includes 184 global full text journals on biology, ecology, environment and agriculture
    • Subjects: ecology, botany, environment, biology, zoology, entomology, agriculture
    • Supported by BioOne Company
    • In English

    eLIBRARY.RU – Scientific Electronic Library

    • Includes abstracts and full texts of more than 19 million scientific articles, on-line versions of more than 3900 Russian scientific journals, of which more than 2800 in open access.
      BelAL provides free access to the full texts of 84 scientific journals with citation index on agriculture and allied branches.
    • Subjects: ecology, environment,  biology, genetics, economy, veterinary, forestry, soil science, plant protection, agricultural mechanization, animal husbandry, agronomy, food and nutrition, agricultural production processing, radiology
    • Supported by eLIBRARY.RU
    • In Russian, English Mass Media Review – Database by Polpred Company

    • Includes full text press reviews of the leading information agencies on all scientific branches, include agriculture
    • Subjects : ecology, economy, agriculture, country study, medicine, metallurgy, energetics
    • Supported by Polpred Company
    • In Russian, English

    Digital Library : Dissertations of RSL

    • Includes full texts of  dissertations and theses, defended in Russian Federation on all scientific branches, include agriculture
    • Subjects : ecology, biology, economy, agriculture, medicine, physics, sociology, business, education, psychology,  arts, philosophy
    • Supported by Russian State Library
    • Contains 800 thousand full text
    • In Russian

    FS INFO Database

    • Includes bibliography and full texts publications on questions of forestry
    • Subjects: forestry, forest resources, forest pests, forest protection measures, forest fires, forestry economics, forest management, forestation, plant and animal protection
    • Supported by USDA Forest Service
    • Contains 250 thousand records
    • In English

    Core Historical Literature of Agriculture

    • Includes electronic collection of best books on agriculture published between 18th century and the middle to late 20th century in USA and Western Europe
    • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, botany, biology, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, soil science, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition
    • Supported by Cornell University's Albert R. Mann Library
    • Contains 1 mln and records, 2000 documents
    • In English

    Etalon - Database of Legislative Information of the Republic of Belarus

    • Includes databanks : legislation of the Republic of Belarus, resolutions of local government departments, international treatments. Contains full texts of decrees, laws, enactments, international agreements, legislative and normative acts of the Republic of Belarus
    • Subjects: legislation, international agreements
    • Supported by the National Centre of Legal Information of the Republic of Belarus
    • Contains 200 thousand records
    • In Russian

    ConsultantPlus - Reference Legal System

    • Includes systems ConsultantPlus: Belarus and ConsultantAccountant : Belorussian Issue, Business Papers : Belorussian Issue. Contains full texts of decrees, laws, enactments, international agreements, legislative and normative acts of the Republic of Belarus
    • Subjects: legislation, taxation, accounting
    • Created by LC "JurSpectr"
    • Contains 350 thousand records
    • In Russian


    • Includes databanks: Business-Partner. Belarus 2009, Busines-Belarus 2008-2009, Kontakt! Minsk 2009. Contains name, pattern of ownership of enterprises and organizations of Belarus, addresses, faxes, telephones, sphere of activity, facility, products
    • Subjects: ecology, nature protection, agricultural economics, veterinay science, forestry, organization and management of agricultural production, agricultural mechanization, agrotechnics, land reclamation, fertilizers, pests, diseases and plant protection, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, apiculture, hunting, fishery, fishing, agricultural products processing, nutrition, trade
    • Created by JV "Belfakta Media"
    • Contains 250 thousand records
    • In Russian, English

    EURO PAGES - The European Business Directory

    • Includes names of enterprises and organizations of European countries, addresses, telephones, faxes, e-mail, web-pages, spheres of activity, products and services
    • Subjects: nature protection, forestry, agricultural mechanization, fertilizers, field cropping, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, floriculture, animal husbandry, animal husbandry products, fishery, food industry, woodworking industry, chemical industry, energetics, construction
    • Created by Euredit SA (Paris)
    • Contains 2,6 mln records
    • In 26 languages: English, German, French, Spanish and others

    KOMPASS - The Business to Business Search Engine

    • Includes names, patterns of ownership enterprises of all countries of the world, addresses, administration, faxes, telephones, e-mail, web-pages, spheres of activity, products and services classification
    • Subjects: veterinary, forestry, agricultural mechanization, soil science, fertilizers, plant protection, horticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing, floriculrue, animal husbandry, fishery, agricultural products processing, food industry, trade, energetics, transport, business, medicine
    • Supported by Kompass International Neuenschwander SA
    • In Russian, English, German, French, Spanish and others


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